Tosh Uyeda

(When we were at Hastings Park) we didn’t have any snow in Vancouver so I can’t even tell you what season it was. But it was all during the summer and I think into the late fall. And then I think we were shipped out in the early spring I believe.

I would say it smelled like a barn… Very thin mattresses were provided and they gave us the grey blankets that people I guess still call the horse blankets. I think a lot of people kept it because that’s all they had. You know when they are moved from their homes we weren’t able to take very much, just what you can carry. So we had really very little if any bedding and such, you know. So we just used whatever they provided.

…You play with the kids and such… I guess we played baseball and kicked around whatever soccer ball or football that was maybe available that someone would’ve had but nothing really organized. Not to my recollection anyway.


Interview courtesy of the Sedai Project